It's bad manners to fidget about with the cutlery at the table. 用餐时摆开刀叉玩儿是不雅的。
I did a bad job of painting the table. 我把桌子漆坏了。
It is a bad old table. 这是张又旧又破的桌子。
If Open_tables is much lower than your table_cache setting, you have too many ( some room to grow is never a bad thing, though). 如果Opentables比tablecache设置小很多,就说明该值太大了(不过有空间可以增长总不是什么坏事)。
The date and time should be prior to when the bad application ran ( when you deleted the table rows). 日期和时间应该早于运行错误的应用程序(即删除表中的行)的时间。
After bad blocks have been identified, they are marked within the flash itself in a bad block table. 识别出坏块后,将在flash内部将这些坏块标记到一个坏块表中。
Not only is this bad for digestion, it gets you out of the habit of exercising good table manners. 这不仅让身体消化不好,也让你远离了餐桌礼仪的练习。
'The first man I hear saying anything bad about our mistress will receive this in his face,' and he banged his great heavy hand down on the maltster's table. 我要是听到谁说女主人的坏话,他的脸上首先就会尝到这个,接着他把他的大手重重地击在了酒店老板的桌子上。
Paddy: Don't you know, it's bad luck to put a new pair of shoes on a table? 帕迪:你难道不知道吗,把鞋子放在桌子上会带来坏运气。
The boy was in very bad shape and they were using him as an orderly to wait on table at the staff. 那小伙子失魂落魄的,他们让他当勤务兵,在旅部伺候开饭。
It was bad that she died on the table. 很遗憾,她死在了手术台上。
It is a bad habit to talk at table. 吃饭时说话是个坏习惯。
I won't have bad manners at this table. 在餐桌上不许有不礼貌的行为。
You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you can not make a table. 虽然你不会做桌子,但你仍然可以批评为你做了一张糟糕的桌子的木匠。
In the evening, every household hangs red lanterns at the entrance to drive away bad luck and all the family members get together around the table for a New Year's Eve dinner. 晚上,家家户户在门口挂上红灯笼,驱除霉运,所有家庭成员则围坐一桌吃年夜饭。
People think that's bad table manners! 人们会认为那是很不礼貌的。
Her bad was lying open on the table. 她的包放在桌上打开着。
Or he had really bad table manners. 他的吃相实在是不怎么样。
Not bad, I should say. Our customers are quite satisfied with your table cloths. 不错。我们的顾客对贵公司的桌布很满意。
Bad manners simply indicate that you care a good deal more for the food than for the society at the table. 在餐桌上的坏习惯,只表现出你关心食物多过社交礼仪。
As it was considered extremely bad etiquette to leave the table before the meal was finished, he stayed until he became fatally ill. 当时在宴会中途离开被认为是很不礼貌的行为。
It is bad manners to blow your nose at the table. 吃饭时擤鼻涕是不礼貌的。
This cuts down on comments that drive most developers nuts, such as "why does it look so bad?" and" can we make the table text fuchsia?" 这会挡住那些让大多数开发人员发疯的评论,例如“为什么它看起来这么差?”和“我们能不能让表格的文本用紫红色?”
To find out the source of the bad emotions and to use effective ways to solve the problems are not only good for improving table tennis skills but also helpful to the students to deal with variable difficulties that they meet in their lives. 找到不良情绪的根源并且用行之有效的方法解决,既有利于打乒乓球的技术水平的提高,又有助于学生在生活中处理和解决各种困难。
The lower Tarim River valley is characterized by sparse population, arid climate and bad natural environment, and hence it is especially important to work out an easy and rapid method for detecting the underground water table of this area. 由于塔里木河下游地区人烟稀少、气候干燥、自然环境差,因而试验研究一种方便快捷的的方法探测本地区地下水水位就显得尤其重要。
At present, weather the table tennis out of the Olympic Game has been a disputed question. The current situation is bad for the development of table tennis all over the world. 目前,乒乓球运动能否继续作为奥运项目已经成为国际奥委会的一个争议性问题,乒乓球运动的发展命运悬而未决。
While in the area that groundwater recharge condition is bad, the groundwater table rises slowly, which delay is apparent, typically that in west region of Wuxi and south part of Jiangyin, so that the rate of land subsidence can obviously be controlled. 2. 相反地下水补给条件差的地区,地下水位恢复很慢,虽然地面沉降速率也得到了显著控制,但沉降仍在继续,沉降具有明显的滞后作用,较为典型的是无锡西部地区和江阴南部地区。